General BCSF Grant Application

Bethel Community Services Foundation considers three sizes of grants (mini, major and private endowment grants). All grant requests must address the Foundation’s mission and priorities in these areas:

Bridge Grants: Our top priority is to work in collaboration with other organizations and institutions to plan and fund community improvements. The Foundation will consider requests for project planning support and program start-up funding.

Capital Grants: Of equal priority, supporting new construction or repairing or remodeling existing buildings to better accommodate the provision of community services and cultural activities.

Operating Grants: While not of equal priority, operations will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Business/Enterprise Funding: This may comprise a variety of business/enterprise needs in which Foundation may consider participating. Applicants should have a prepared business plan when applying.


Funding Preferences: Before submitting a grant request, applicants are encouraged contact the Foundation to discuss eligibility and funding priorities. The Foundation prefers to fund in concert with others and to respond to needs outside of those covered by traditional funding streams. Additionally, requests that identify needs not currently met through other funding sources will also receive preference.

Eligibility: To be eligible for grants, an applicant organization must have tax-exempt non profit status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code, or as a public or governmental agency, or as a federally recognized Alaskan Native organization. Business/Enterprise Investments have no such restriction.

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