BCSF awarded Kuimarvik (a Yup’ik word meaning “A Place to Swim”) $11,038 for the purpose of filing for an EIN and 501(c)3 status with the IRS. Kuimarvik is a nonprofit organization incorporated within the State of Alaska (a service donated by Angstman Law Office). Kuimarvik exists for the purpose of creating a swimming pool in Bethel- from supporting the City of Bethel in applying for and receiving construction funds (construction is in progress) to supporting the ongoing pool operations. The pool is called the Yukon-Kuskokwim Regional Aquatic Health & Safety Center.
Please see Pool News for updated photos and stories about progress related to pool construction and the evolution of Kuimarvik.
The image to the right and facts below were provided by the City of Bethel. Click here for access to the City’s website page with updates.
Facility Size: 21,164 sq ft.
Weight Room: 40 ft x 36 ft.
Fitness Room: 40 ft x 46 ft.
The family pool area includes a shallow section and a slide. Family pool area depth: 1 ft. 6 inches at kiddie pool to 3 ft. 6 inches deep at the slide.
Six-lane pool area depth: 3 ft. 6 inches at the shallow end to 7 ft. deep at the deep end.
Construction started: June 2013
Expected completion date: October 31, 2014